TaskResults — DirectTaskResult and IndirectTaskResult
TaskResults — DirectTaskResult and IndirectTaskResult
TaskResults — DirectTaskResult and IndirectTaskResult
TaskContextImpl TaskContextImpl is the one and only TaskContext. Caution FIXME stage partition t ...
TaskContext TaskContext is the base for contextual information about a task. You can access the active TaskConte ...
TaskResultGetter TaskResultGetter is a helper class of TaskSchedulerImpl for asynchronous deserialization of task ...
Speculative Execution of Tasks Speculative tasks (also speculatable tasks or task strugglers) are tasks that run s ...
TaskSchedulerImpl — Default TaskScheduler
TaskDescription — Metadata of Single Task
TaskInfo TaskInfo is information about a running task attempt inside a TaskSet. TaskInfo is created when: Ta ...
Scheduling Mode — spark.scheduler.mode Spark Property
FairSchedulableBuilder - SchedulableBuilder for FAIR Scheduling Mode