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ResolveFunctions Logical Resolution Rule — Resolving grouping__id UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedGenerator And UnresolvedFunction Expressions

ResolveFunctions is a logical resolution rule that the logical query plan analyzer uses to resolve grouping__id UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedGenerator and UnresolvedFunction expressions in an entire logical query plan.

Technically, ResolveReferences is just a Catalyst rule for transforming logical plans, i.e. Rule[LogicalPlan].

ResolveFunctions is part of Resolution fixed-point batch of rules.

ResolveFunctions is a Scala object inside Analyzer class.

Resolving grouping__id UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedGenerator and UnresolvedFunction Expressions In Entire Query Plan (Applying ResolveFunctions to Logical Plan) — apply Method

apply is part of Rule Contract to apply a rule to a logical plan.

apply takes a logical plan and transforms each expression (for every logical operator found in the query plan) as follows:

  • For UnresolvedAttributes with names as groupingid, apply creates a Alias (with a GroupingID child expression and groupingid name).

    That case seems mostly for compatibility with Hive as grouping__id attribute name is used by Hive.

  • For UnresolvedGenerators, apply requests the SessionCatalog to find a Generator function by name.

    If some other non-generator function is found for the name, apply fails the analysis phase by reporting an AnalysisException:

  • For UnresolvedFunctions, apply requests the SessionCatalog to find a function by name.

  • AggregateWindowFunctions are returned directly or apply fails the analysis phase by reporting an AnalysisException when the UnresolvedFunction has isDistinct flag enabled.

  • AggregateFunctions are wrapped in a AggregateExpression (with Complete aggregate mode)

  • All other functions are returned directly or apply fails the analysis phase by reporting an AnalysisException when the UnresolvedFunction has isDistinct flag enabled.

apply skips unresolved expressions.

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