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AnalysisBarrier Leaf Logical Operator — Hiding Child Query Plan in Analysis

AnalysisBarrier is a leaf logical operator that is a wrapper of an analyzed logical plan to hide it from the Spark Analyzer. The purpose of AnalysisBarrier is to prevent the child logical plan from being analyzed again (and increasing the time spent on query analysis).

AnalysisBarrier is created when:

AnalysisBarrier takes a single child logical query plan when created.

AnalysisBarrier returns the child logical query plan when requested for the inner nodes (that should be shown as an inner nested tree of this node).

AnalysisBarrier simply requests the child logical query plan for the output schema attributes.

AnalysisBarrier simply requests the child logical query plan for the isStreaming flag.

AnalysisBarrier simply requests the child logical operator for the canonicalized version.

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