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PlanSubqueries Physical Query Optimization

PlanSubqueries is a physical query optimization (aka physical query preparation rule or simply preparation rule) that plans ScalarSubquery (SubqueryExpression) expressions (as ScalarSubquery ExecSubqueryExpression expressions).

PlanSubqueries is part of preparations batch of physical query plan rules and is executed when QueryExecution is requested for the optimized physical query plan (i.e. in executedPlan phase of a query execution).

Technically, PlanSubqueries is just a Catalyst rule for transforming physical query plans, i.e. Rule[SparkPlan].

Applying PlanSubqueries Rule to Physical Plan (Executing PlanSubqueries) — apply Method

apply is part of Rule Contract to apply a rule to a TreeNode, e.g. physical plan.

For every ScalarSubquery (SubqueryExpression) expression in the input physical plan, apply does the following:

  1. Builds the optimized physical plan (aka executedPlan) of the subquery logical plan, i.e. creates a QueryExecution for the subquery logical plan and requests the optimized physical plan.

  2. Plans the scalar subquery, i.e. creates a ScalarSubquery (ExecSubqueryExpression) expression with a new SubqueryExec physical operator (with the name subquery[id] and the optimized physical plan) and the ExprId.

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