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StructType — Data Type for Schema Definition

StructType is a built-in data type that is a collection of StructFields.

StructType is used to define a schema or its part.

You can compare two StructType instances to see whether they are equal.

StructType presents itself as <struct> or STRUCT in query plans or SQL.


StructType is a Seq[StructField] and therefore all things Seq apply equally here.

Read the official documentation of Scala’s scala.collection.Seq.

As of Spark 2.4.0, StructType can be converted to DDL format using toDDL method.

fromAttributes Method


fromAttributes is used when…​FIXME

toAttributes Method


toAttributes is used when…​FIXME

Adding Fields to Schema — add Method

You can add a new StructField to your StructType. There are different variants of add method that all make for a new StructType with the field added.

DataType Name Conversions

StructType as a custom DataType is used in query plans or SQL. It can present itself using simpleString, catalogString or sql (see DataType Contract).

Accessing StructField — apply Method

StructType defines its own apply method that gives you an easy access to a StructField by name.

Creating StructType from Existing StructType — apply Method

This variant of apply lets you create a StructType out of an existing StructType with the names only.

It will throw an IllegalArgumentException exception when a field could not be found.

Displaying Schema As Tree — printTreeString Method

printTreeString prints out the schema to standard output.

Internally, it uses treeString method to build the tree and then println it.

Creating StructType For DDL-Formatted Text — fromDDL Object Method


fromDDL is used when…​FIXME

Converting to DDL Format — toDDL Method

toDDL converts all the fields to DDL format and concatenates them using the comma (,).

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