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BucketSpec — Bucketing Specification of Table

BucketSpec — Bucketing Specification of Table

BucketSpec is the bucketing specification of a table, i.e. the metadata of the bucketing of a table.

BucketSpec includes the following:

  • Number of buckets

  • Bucket column names – the names of the columns used for buckets (at least one)

  • Sort column names – the names of the columns used to sort data in buckets

The number of buckets has to be between 0 and 100000 exclusive (or an AnalysisException is thrown).

BucketSpec is created when:

  1. DataFrameWriter is requested to saveAsTable (and does getBucketSpec)

  2. HiveExternalCatalog is requested to getBucketSpecFromTableProperties and tableMetaToTableProps

  3. HiveClientImpl is requested to retrieve a table metadata

  4. SparkSqlAstBuilder is requested to visitBucketSpec (for CREATE TABLE SQL statement with CLUSTERED BY and INTO n BUCKETS with optional SORTED BY clauses)

BucketSpec uses the following text representation (i.e. toString):

Converting Bucketing Specification to LinkedHashMap — toLinkedHashMap Method

toLinkedHashMap converts the bucketing specification to a collection of pairs (LinkedHashMap[String, String]) with the following fields and their values:

toLinkedHashMap quotes the column names.


toLinkedHashMap is used when:

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