is a TextBasedFileFormat for csv format (i.e. registers itself to handle files in csv format and converts them to Spark SQL rows).
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spark.read.format("csv").load("csv-datasets") // or the same as above using a shortcut spark.read.csv("csv-datasets") |
uses CSV options (that in turn are used to configure the underlying CSV parser from uniVocity-parsers project).
Option | Default Value | Description |
Alias of encoding |
One character to…FIXME |
Compression codec that can be either one of the known aliases or a fully-qualified class name. Alias of compression |
Compression codec that can be either one of the known aliases or a fully-qualified class name. Alias of codec |
Uses |
Alias of sep |
Alias of charset |
Possible values:
(empty string) |
Alias of delimiter |
Uses timeZone and |
Preparing Write Job — prepareWrite
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prepareWrite( sparkSession: SparkSession, job: Job, options: Map[String, String], dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory |
prepareWrite is part of the FileFormat Contract to prepare a write job.
Building Partitioned Data Reader — buildReader
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buildReader( sparkSession: SparkSession, dataSchema: StructType, partitionSchema: StructType, requiredSchema: StructType, filters: Seq[Filter], options: Map[String, String], hadoopConf: Configuration): (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow] |
buildReader is part of the FileFormat Contract to build a PartitionedFile reader.