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HiveFileFormat — FileFormat For Writing Hive Tables

HiveFileFormat is a FileFormat for writing Hive tables.

HiveFileFormat is a DataSourceRegister and registers itself as hive data source.

Hive data source can only be used with tables and you cannot read or write files of Hive data source directly. Use DataFrameReader.table or DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable for loading from or writing data to Hive data source, respectively.

HiveFileFormat is created exclusively when SaveAsHiveFile is requested to saveAsHiveFile (when InsertIntoHiveDirCommand and InsertIntoHiveTable logical commands are executed).

HiveFileFormat takes a FileSinkDesc when created.

HiveFileFormat throws a UnsupportedOperationException when requested to inferSchema.

Preparing Write Job — prepareWrite Method

prepareWrite is part of the FileFormat Contract to prepare a write job.

prepareWrite sets the mapred.output.format.class property to be the getOutputFileFormatClassName of the Hive TableDesc of the FileSinkDesc.

prepareWrite requests the HiveTableUtil helper object to configureJobPropertiesForStorageHandler.

prepareWrite requests the Hive Utilities helper object to copyTableJobPropertiesToConf.

In the end, prepareWrite creates a new OutputWriterFactory that creates a new HiveOutputWriter when requested for a new OutputWriter instance.

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