UnresolvedOrdinal Unevaluable Leaf Expression
is a leaf expression that represents a single integer literal in Sort logical operators (in SortOrder ordering expressions) and in Aggregate logical operators (in grouping expressions) in a logical plan.
is created when SubstituteUnresolvedOrdinals
logical resolution rule is executed.
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// Note "order by 1" clause val sqlText = "select id from VALUES 1, 2, 3 t1(id) order by 1" val logicalPlan = spark.sql(sqlText).queryExecution.logical scala> println(logicalPlan.numberedTreeString) 00 'Sort [1 ASC NULLS FIRST], true 01 +- 'Project ['id] 02 +- 'SubqueryAlias t1 03 +- 'UnresolvedInlineTable [id], [List(1), List(2), List(3)] import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.SubstituteUnresolvedOrdinals val rule = new SubstituteUnresolvedOrdinals(spark.sessionState.conf) val logicalPlanWithUnresolvedOrdinals = rule.apply(logicalPlan) scala> println(logicalPlanWithUnresolvedOrdinals.numberedTreeString) 00 'Sort [unresolvedordinal(1) ASC NULLS FIRST], true 01 +- 'Project ['id] 02 +- 'SubqueryAlias t1 03 +- 'UnresolvedInlineTable [id], [List(1), List(2), List(3)] import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Sort val sortOp = logicalPlanWithUnresolvedOrdinals.collect { case s: Sort => s }.head val sortOrder = sortOp.order.head import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedOrdinal val unresolvedOrdinalExpr = sortOrder.child.asInstanceOf[UnresolvedOrdinal] scala> println(unresolvedOrdinalExpr) unresolvedordinal(1) |
takes a single ordinal
integer when created.
is an unevaluable expression and cannot be evaluated (i.e. produce a value given an internal row).
An unevaluable expression cannot be evaluated to produce a value (neither in interpreted nor code-generated expression evaluations) and has to be resolved (replaced) to some other expressions or logical operators at analysis or optimization phases or they fail analysis. |
can never be resolved (and is replaced at analysis phase).
UnresolvedOrdinal is resolved when ResolveOrdinalInOrderByAndGroupBy logical resolution rule is executed.
has no representation in SQL.
UnresolvedOrdinal in GROUP BY ordinal position is not allowed for a select list with a star (* ).