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UnresolvedCatalogRelation Leaf Logical Operator — Placeholder of Catalog Tables

UnresolvedCatalogRelation is a leaf logical operator that acts as a placeholder in a logical query plan until FindDataSourceTable logical evaluation rule resolves it to a concrete relation logical plan (i.e. a LogicalRelation for a data source table or a HiveTableRelation for hive table).

UnresolvedCatalogRelation is created when SessionCatalog is requested to find a relation (for DescribeTableCommand logical command or ResolveRelations logical evaluation rule).

When created, UnresolvedCatalogRelation asserts that the database is specified.

UnresolvedCatalogRelation can never be resolved and is converted to a LogicalRelation for a data source table or a HiveTableRelation for hive table at analysis phase.

UnresolvedCatalogRelation uses an empty output schema.

UnresolvedCatalogRelation takes a single CatalogTable when created.

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