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Debugging Query Execution

Debugging Query Execution

debug package object contains tools for debugging query execution, i.e. a full analysis of structured queries (as Datasets).

Table 1. Debugging Query Execution Tools (debug Methods)
Method Description


Debugging a structured query


Displays the Java source code generated for a structured query in whole-stage code generation (i.e. the output of each WholeStageCodegen subtree in a query plan).

debug package object is in org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug package that you have to import before you can use the debug and debugCodegen methods.

Read up on Package Objects in the Scala programming language.

Internally, debug package object uses DebugQuery implicit class that “extends” Dataset[_] Scala type with the debug methods.

Read up on Implicit Classes in the official documentation of the Scala programming language.

Debugging Dataset — debug Method

debug requests the QueryExecution (of the structured query) for the optimized physical query plan.

debug transforms the optimized physical query plan to add a new DebugExec physical operator for every physical operator.

debug requests the query plan to execute and then counts the number of rows in the result. It prints out the following message:

In the end, debug requests every DebugExec physical operator (in the query plan) to dumpStats.

Displaying Java Source Code Generated for Structured Query in Whole-Stage Code Generation (“Debugging” Codegen) — debugCodegen Method

debugCodegen requests the QueryExecution (of the structured query) for the optimized physical query plan.

In the end, debugCodegen simply codegenString the query plan and prints it out to the standard output.


debugCodegen is equivalent to using debug interface of the QueryExecution.

codegenToSeq Method


codegenToSeq is used when…​FIXME

codegenString Method


codegenString is used when…​FIXME
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