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SubExprUtils Helper Object

SubExprUtils Helper Object

SubExprUtils is a Scala object that is used for…​FIXME

SubExprUtils uses PredicateHelper for…​FIXME

Checking If Condition Expression Has Any Null-Aware Predicate Subqueries Inside Not — hasNullAwarePredicateWithinNot Method

hasNullAwarePredicateWithinNot splits conjunctive predicates (i.e. expressions separated by And expression).

hasNullAwarePredicateWithinNot is positive (i.e. true) and is considered to have a null-aware predicate subquery inside a Not expression when conjuctive predicate expressions include a Not expression with an In predicate expression with a ListQuery subquery expression.

hasNullAwarePredicateWithinNot is negative (i.e. false) for all the other expressions and in particular the following expressions:

  1. Exists predicate subquery expressions

  2. Not expressions with a Exists predicate subquery expression as the child expression

  3. In expressions with a ListQuery subquery expression as the list expression

  4. Not expressions with a In expression (with a ListQuery subquery expression as the list expression)

hasNullAwarePredicateWithinNot is used exclusively when CheckAnalysis analysis validation is requested to validate analysis of a logical plan (with Filter logical operators).
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