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Caching and Persistence spark cache persist区别 spark cache用法 spark cache释放

RDD Caching and Persistence



基于Spark 1.4.1 的源码,可以看到

说明是cache()调用了persist(), 想要知道二者的不同还需要看一下persist函数:


可以看出来persist有一个 StorageLevel 类型的参数,这个表示的是RDD的缓存级别。

至此便可得出cache和persist的区别了:cache只有一个默认的缓存级别MEMORY_ONLY ,而persist可以根据情况设置其它的缓存级别。


顺便看一下RDD都有哪些缓存级别,查看 StorageLevel 类的源码:




  • useDisk:使用硬盘(外存)
  • useMemory:使用内存
  • useOffHeap:使用堆外内存,这是Java虚拟机里面的概念,堆外内存意味着把内存对象分配在Java虚拟机的堆以外的内存,这些内存直接受操作系统管理(而不是虚拟机)。这样做的结果就是能保持一个较小的堆,以减少垃圾收集对应用的影响。
  • deserialized:反序列化,其逆过程序列化(Serialization)是java提供的一种机制,将对象表示成一连串的字节;而反序列化就表示将字节恢复为对象的过程。序列化是对象永久化的一种机制,可以将对象及其属性保存起来,并能在反序列化后直接恢复这个对象
  • replication:备份数(在多个节点上备份)

理解了这5个参数,StorageLevel 的12种缓存级别就不难理解了。

val MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2 = new StorageLevel(true, true, false, false, 2) 就表示使用这种缓存级别的RDD将存储在硬盘以及内存中,使用序列化(在硬盘中),并且在多个节点上备份2份(正常的RDD只有一份)


使用了堆外内存,StorageLevel 类的源码中有一段代码可以看出这个的特殊性,它不能和其它几个参数共存。

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Caching or persistence are optimisation techniques for (iterative and interactive) Spark computations. They help saving interim partial results so they can be reused in subsequent stages. These interim results as RDDs are thus kept in memory (default) or more solid storages like disk and/or replicated.

spark cache persist区别 spark cache用法 spark cache释放 spark cache作用 spark dataframe persist spark unpersist spark cache action or transformation spark cache checkpoint spark内存释放 java rdd cache

RDDs can be cached using cache operation. They can also be persistedusing persist operation.

The difference between cache and persist operations is purely syntactic. cache is a synonym of persist or persist(MEMORY_ONLY), i.e. cache is merely persist with the default storage level MEMORY_ONLY.

NoteDue to the very small and purely syntactic difference between caching and persistence of RDDs the two terms are often used interchangeably and I will follow the “pattern” here.

RDDs can also be unpersisted to remove RDD from a permanent storage like memory and/or disk.

spark cache persist区别 spark cache用法 spark cache释放 spark cache作用 spark dataframe persist spark unpersist spark cache action or transformation spark cache checkpoint spark内存释放 java rdd cache

Caching RDD — cache Method

cache is a synonym of persist with MEMORY_ONLY storage level.

spark cache persist区别 spark cache用法 spark cache释放 spark cache作用 spark dataframe persist spark unpersist spark cache action or transformation spark cache checkpoint spark内存释放 java rdd cache

Persisting RDD — persist Methods

persist marks a RDD for persistence using newLevel storage level.

You can only change the storage level once or persist reports an UnsupportedOperationException:

NoteYou can pretend to change the storage level of an RDD with already-assigned storage level only if the storage level is the same as it is currently assigned.

If the RDD is marked as persistent the first time, the RDD is registered to ContextCleaner (if available) and SparkContext.

The internal storageLevel attribute is set to the input newLevel storage level.

Unpersisting RDDs (Clearing Blocks) — unpersist Method

When called, unpersist prints the following INFO message to the logs:

It then calls SparkContext.unpersistRDD(id, blocking) and sets NONE storage level as the current storage level.

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