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ShuffleMetricsSource — Metrics Source of BlockManager for Shuffle-Related Metrics

ShuffleMetricsSource is the metrics source of a BlockManager for shuffle-related metrics.

ShuffleMetricsSource lives on a Spark executor and is registered only when a Spark application runs in a non-local / cluster mode.

spark ShuffleMetricsSource.png
Figure 1. Registering ShuffleMetricsSource with “executor” MetricsSystem

ShuffleMetricsSource is created exclusively when BlockManager is requested for the shuffleMetricsSource.

When created, ShuffleMetricsSource gets a MetricSet that BlockManager requests from the ShuffleClient (only when in a non-local / cluster mode).

ShuffleMetricsSource is registered under the following source name per the type of a BlockManager:

spark.shuffle.service.enabled configuration property is off (false) by default.
Table 1. ShuffleMetricsSource’s Gauge Metrics (in alphabetical order)
Name Type Description
Since Executor does not have a web UI attached you cannot access the metrics using the HTTP protocol (through MetricsServlet JSON metrics sink).

Creating ShuffleMetricsSource Instance

ShuffleMetricsSource takes the following when created:

  • Source name

  • Dropwizard Metrics’ MetricSet

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