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Spark SQL — Structured Data Processing with Relational Queries on Massive Scale

Spark SQL — Structured Data Processing with Relational Queries on Massive Scale

Like Apache Spark in general, Spark SQL in particular is all about distributed in-memory computations on massive scale.

Quoting the Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark paper on Spark SQL:

Spark SQL is a new module in Apache Spark that integrates relational processing with Spark’s functional programming API.

Spark SQL lets Spark programmers leverage the benefits of relational processing (e.g., declarative
queries and optimized storage), and lets SQL users call complex analytics libraries in Spark (e.g., machine learning).

The primary difference between the computation models of Spark SQL and Spark Core is the relational framework for ingesting, querying and persisting (semi)structured data using relational queries (aka structured queries) that can be expressed in good ol’ SQL (with many features of HiveQL) and the high-level SQL-like functional declarative Dataset API (aka Structured Query DSL).

Semi- and structured data are collections of records that can be described using schema with column names, their types and whether a column can be null or not (aka nullability).

Whichever query interface you use to describe a structured query, i.e. SQL or Query DSL, the query becomes a Dataset (with a mandatory Encoder).

For SQL users, Spark SQL provides state-of-the-art SQL performance and maintains compatibility with Shark/Hive. In particular, like Shark, Spark SQL supports all existing Hive data formats, user-defined functions (UDF), and the Hive metastore.

For Spark users, Spark SQL becomes the narrow-waist for manipulating (semi-) structured data as well as ingesting data from sources that provide schema, such as JSON, Parquet, Hive, or EDWs. It truly unifies SQL and sophisticated analysis, allowing users to mix and match SQL and more imperative programming APIs for advanced analytics.

For open source hackers, Spark SQL proposes a novel, elegant way of building query planners. It is incredibly easy to add new optimizations under this framework.

A Dataset is a programming interface to the structured query execution pipeline with transformations and actions (as in the good old days of RDD API in Spark Core).

Internally, a structured query is a Catalyst tree of (logical and physical) relational operators and expressions.

When an action is executed on a Dataset (directly, e.g. show or count, or indirectly, e.g. save or saveAsTable) the structured query (behind Dataset) goes through the execution stages:

As of Spark 2.0, Spark SQL is now de facto the primary and feature-rich interface to Spark’s underlying in-memory distributed platform (hiding Spark Core’s RDDs behind higher-level abstractions that allow for logical and physical query optimization strategies even without your consent).

You can find out more on the core of Apache Spark (aka Spark Core) in Mastering Apache Spark 2 gitbook.

In other words, Spark SQL’s Dataset API describes a distributed computation that will eventually be converted to a DAG of RDDs for execution.

Under the covers, structured queries are automatically compiled into corresponding RDD operations.

Spark SQL supports structured queries in batch and streaming modes (with the latter as a separate module of Spark SQL called Spark Structured Streaming).

You can find out more on Spark Structured Streaming in Spark Structured Streaming (Apache Spark 2.2+) gitbook.

Spark SQL supports loading datasets from various data sources including tables in Apache Hive. With Hive support enabled, you can load datasets from existing Apache Hive deployments and save them back to Hive tables if needed.

Like SQL and NoSQL databases, Spark SQL offers performance query optimizations using rule-based query optimizer (aka Catalyst Optimizer), whole-stage Java code generation (aka Whole-Stage Codegen that could often be better than your own custom hand-written code!) and Tungsten execution engine with its own internal binary row format.

As of Spark SQL 2.2, structured queries can be further optimized using Hint Framework.

Spark SQL introduces a tabular data abstraction called Dataset (that was previously DataFrame). Dataset data abstraction is designed to make processing large amount of structured tabular data on Spark infrastructure simpler and faster.


Quoting Apache Drill which applies to Spark SQL perfectly:

A SQL query engine for relational and NoSQL databases with direct queries on self-describing and semi-structured data in files, e.g. JSON or Parquet, and HBase tables without needing to specify metadata definitions in a centralized store.

The following snippet shows a batch ETL pipeline to process JSON files and saving their subset as CSVs.

With Structured Streaming feature however, the above static batch query becomes dynamic and continuous paving the way for continuous applications.

As of Spark 2.0, the main data abstraction of Spark SQL is Dataset. It represents a structured data which are records with a known schema. This structured data representation Dataset enables compact binary representation using compressed columnar format that is stored in managed objects outside JVM’s heap. It is supposed to speed computations up by reducing memory usage and GCs.

Spark SQL supports predicate pushdown to optimize performance of Dataset queries and can also generate optimized code at runtime.

Spark SQL comes with the different APIs to work with:

  1. Dataset API (formerly DataFrame API) with a strongly-typed LINQ-like Query DSL that Scala programmers will likely find very appealing to use.

  2. Structured Streaming API (aka Streaming Datasets) for continuous incremental execution of structured queries.

  3. Non-programmers will likely use SQL as their query language through direct integration with Hive

  4. JDBC/ODBC fans can use JDBC interface (through Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server) and connect their tools to Spark’s distributed query engine.

Spark SQL comes with a uniform interface for data access in distributed storage systems like Cassandra or HDFS (Hive, Parquet, JSON) using specialized DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter objects.

Spark SQL allows you to execute SQL-like queries on large volume of data that can live in Hadoop HDFS or Hadoop-compatible file systems like S3. It can access data from different data sources – files or tables.

Spark SQL defines the following types of functions:

There are two supported catalog implementations — in-memory (default) and hive — that you can set using spark.sql.catalogImplementation property.

From user@spark:

If you already loaded csv data into a dataframe, why not register it as a table, and use Spark SQL
to find max/min or any other aggregates? SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM dftable_name …​ seems natural.

you’re more comfortable with SQL, it might worth registering this DataFrame as a table and generating SQL query to it (generate a string with a series of min-max calls)

You can parse data from external data sources and let the schema inferencer to deduct the schema.

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