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StreamingRelation Leaf Logical Operator for Streaming Source

StreamingRelation Leaf Logical Operator for Streaming Source

StreamingRelation is a leaf logical operator (i.e. LogicalPlan) that represents a streaming source in a logical plan.

StreamingRelation is created when DataStreamReader is requested to load data from a streaming source and creates a streaming Dataset.

Figure 1. StreamingRelation Represents Streaming Source

isStreaming is always enabled (i.e. true).

toString gives the source name.

StreamingRelation is resolved (aka planned) to StreamingExecutionRelation (right after StreamExecution starts running batches).

Creating StreamingRelation for DataSource — apply Factory Method

apply creates a StreamingRelation for the input streaming DataSource and the short name and the schema of the streaming source (behind the DataSource).

apply creates a StreamingRelation logical operator (for the input DataSource) that represents a streaming source.
apply is used exclusively when DataStreamReader is requested to load data from a streaming source to a streaming Dataset.

Creating StreamingRelation Instance

StreamingRelation takes the following when created:

  • DataSource

  • Short name of the streaming source

  • Output attributes of the schema of the streaming source

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