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Spark Structured Streaming — Streaming Datasets

Structured Streaming — Streaming Datasets

Structured Streaming is a stream processing engine with a high-level declarative streaming API built on top of Spark SQL allowing for continuous incremental execution of a structured query.

The semantics of the Structured Streaming model is as follows (see the article Structured Streaming In Apache Spark):

At any time, the output of a continuous application is equivalent to executing a batch job on a prefix of the data.

As of Spark 2.2.0, Structured Streaming has been marked stable and ready for production use. With that the other older streaming module Spark Streaming should de facto be considered obsolete and not used for developing new streaming applications with Apache Spark.

Structured Streaming attempts to unify streaming, interactive, and batch queries over structured datasets for developing end-to-end stream processing applications dubbed continuous applications using Spark SQL’s Datasets API with additional support for the following features:

In Structured Streaming, Spark developers describe custom streaming computations in the same way as with Spark SQL. Internally, Structured Streaming applies the user-defined structured query to the continuously and indefinitely arriving data to analyze real-time streaming data.

With Structured Streaming, Spark 2 aims at simplifying streaming analytics with little to no need to reason about effective data streaming (trying to hide the unnecessary complexity in your streaming analytics architectures).

Structured Streaming introduces the concept of streaming datasets that are infinite datasets with primitives like input streaming data sources and output streaming data sinks.


A Dataset is streaming (aka continuous) when its logical plan is streaming.

More information about Spark SQL, Datasets and logical plans is available in The Internals of Spark SQL.

Structured Streaming models a stream of data as an infinite (and hence continuous) table that could be changed every streaming batch.

You can specify output mode of a streaming dataset which is what gets written to a streaming sink (i.e. the infinite result table) when there is a new data available.

Streaming Datasets use streaming query plans (as opposed to regular batch Datasets that are based on batch query plans).


From this perspective, batch queries can be considered streaming Datasets executed once only (and is why some batch queries, e.g. KafkaSource, can easily work in batch mode).

Structured streaming is defined by the following data abstractions in org.apache.spark.sql.streaming package:

Structured Streaming follows micro-batch model and periodically fetches data from the data source (and uses the DataFrame data abstraction to represent the fetched data for a certain batch).

With Datasets as Spark SQL’s view of structured data, structured streaming checks input sources for new data every trigger (time) and executes the (continuous) queries.

Structured Streaming was introduced in SPARK-8360 Structured Streaming (aka Streaming DataFrames).
Read the official programming guide of Spark about Structured Streaming.
The feature has also been called Streaming Spark SQL Query, Streaming DataFrames, Continuous DataFrame or Continuous Query. There have been lots of names before the Spark project settled on Structured Streaming.

Example — Streaming Query for Running Counts (over Words from Socket with Output to Console)

The example is “borrowed” from the official documentation of Spark. Changes and errors are only mine.
You need to run nc -lk 9999 first before running the example.

Example — Streaming Query over CSV Files with Output to Console Every 5 Seconds

Below you can find a complete example of a streaming query in a form of DataFrame of data from csv-logs files in csv format of a given schema into a ConsoleSink every 5 seconds.

Copy and paste it to Spark Shell in :paste mode to run it.

Further reading or watching

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