StreamingDeduplicateExec Unary Physical Operator for Streaming Deduplication
is a unary physical operator (i.e. UnaryExecNode
) that writes state to StateStore with support for streaming watermark.
is created exclusively when StreamingDeduplicationStrategy
plans Deduplicate unary logical operators.
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val uniqueValues = spark. readStream. format("rate"). load. dropDuplicates("value") // <-- creates Deduplicate logical operator scala> println(uniqueValues.queryExecution.logical.numberedTreeString) 00 Deduplicate [value#214L], true 01 +- StreamingRelation DataSource(org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession@4785f176,rate,List(),None,List(),None,Map(),None), rate, [timestamp#213, value#214L] scala> uniqueValues.explain == Physical Plan == StreamingDeduplicate [value#214L], StatefulOperatorStateInfo(<unknown>,5a65879c-67bc-4e77-b417-6100db6a52a2,0,0), 0 +- Exchange hashpartitioning(value#214L, 200) +- StreamingRelation rate, [timestamp#213, value#214L] // Start the query and hence StreamingDeduplicateExec import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger} val sq = uniqueValues. writeStream. format("console"). option("truncate", false). trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(10.seconds)). outputMode(OutputMode.Update). start // sorting not supported for non-aggregate queries // and so values are unsorted ------------------------------------------- Batch: 0 ------------------------------------------- +---------+-----+ |timestamp|value| +---------+-----+ +---------+-----+ ------------------------------------------- Batch: 1 ------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+-----+ |timestamp |value| +-----------------------+-----+ |2017-07-25 22:12:03.018|0 | |2017-07-25 22:12:08.018|5 | |2017-07-25 22:12:04.018|1 | |2017-07-25 22:12:06.018|3 | |2017-07-25 22:12:05.018|2 | |2017-07-25 22:12:07.018|4 | +-----------------------+-----+ ------------------------------------------- Batch: 2 ------------------------------------------- +-----------------------+-----+ |timestamp |value| +-----------------------+-----+ |2017-07-25 22:12:10.018|7 | |2017-07-25 22:12:09.018|6 | |2017-07-25 22:12:12.018|9 | |2017-07-25 22:12:13.018|10 | |2017-07-25 22:12:15.018|12 | |2017-07-25 22:12:11.018|8 | |2017-07-25 22:12:14.018|11 | |2017-07-25 22:12:16.018|13 | |2017-07-25 22:12:17.018|14 | |2017-07-25 22:12:18.018|15 | +-----------------------+-----+ // Eventually... sq.stop |
uses the performance metrics of StateStoreWriter.
The output schema of StreamingDeduplicateExec
is exactly the child‘s output schema.
The output partitioning of StreamingDeduplicateExec
is exactly the child‘s output partitioning.
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/** // Start spark-shell with debugging and Kafka support SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" \ ./bin/spark-shell \ --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT */ // Reading val topic1 = spark. readStream. format("kafka"). option("subscribe", "topic1"). option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092"). option("startingoffsets", "earliest"). load // Processing with deduplication // Don't use watermark // The following won't work due to /** val records = topic1. withColumn("eventtime", 'timestamp). // <-- just to put the right name given the purpose withWatermark(eventTime = "eventtime", delayThreshold = "30 seconds"). // <-- use the renamed eventtime column dropDuplicates("value"). // dropDuplicates will use watermark // only when eventTime column exists // include the watermark column => internal design leak? select('key cast "string", 'value cast "string", 'eventtime). as[(String, String, java.sql.Timestamp)] */ val records = topic1. dropDuplicates("value"). select('key cast "string", 'value cast "string"). as[(String, String)] scala> records.explain == Physical Plan == *Project [cast(key#0 as string) AS key#249, cast(value#1 as string) AS value#250] +- StreamingDeduplicate [value#1], StatefulOperatorStateInfo(<unknown>,68198b93-6184-49ae-8098-006c32cc6192,0,0), 0 +- Exchange hashpartitioning(value#1, 200) +- *Project [key#0, value#1] +- StreamingRelation kafka, [key#0, value#1, topic#2, partition#3, offset#4L, timestamp#5, timestampType#6] // Writing import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger} import scala.concurrent.duration._ val sq = records. writeStream. format("console"). option("truncate", false). trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(10.seconds)). queryName("from-kafka-topic1-to-console"). outputMode(OutputMode.Update). start // Eventually... sq.stop |
Enable Add the following line to
Refer to Logging. |
Executing Physical Operator — doExecute
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doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] |
doExecute is a part of SparkPlan contract to produce the result of a physical operator as an RDD of internal binary rows (i.e. InternalRow ).
Internally, doExecute
initializes metrics.
executes child physical operator and creates a StateStoreRDD with storeUpdateFunction
Generates an unsafe projection to access the key field (using keyExpressions and the output schema of child).
Filters out rows from
that matchwatermarkPredicateForData
(when defined and timeoutConf isEventTimeTimeout
) -
For every row (as
Extracts the key from the row (using the unsafe projection above)
Gets the saved state in
for the key -
(when there was a state for the key in the row) Filters out (aka drops) the row
(when there was no state for the key in the row) Stores a new (and empty) state for the key and increments numUpdatedStateRows and numOutputRows metrics.
In the end,
creates aCompletionIterator
that executes a completion function (akacompletionFunction
) after it has successfully iterated through all the elements (i.e. when a client has consumed all the rows).The completion function does the following:
Updates allUpdatesTimeMs metric (that is the total time to execute
) -
Updates allRemovalsTimeMs metric with the time taken to remove keys older than the watermark from the StateStore
Updates commitTimeMs metric with the time taken to commit the changes to the StateStore
Creating StreamingDeduplicateExec Instance
takes the following when created:
Duplicate keys (as used in dropDuplicates operator)
Optional StatefulOperatorStateInfo