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UnresolvedHint Unary Logical Operator — Attaching Hint to Logical Plan

UnresolvedHint is a unary logical operator that represents a hint (by name and parameters) for the child logical plan.

UnresolvedHint is created and added to a logical plan when:

When created UnresolvedHint takes:

UnresolvedHint can never be resolved and is supposed to be converted to a ResolvedHint unary logical operator during query analysis (or simply removed from a logical plan).


There are the following logical rules that Spark Analyzer uses to analyze logical plans with the UnresolvedHint logical operator:

  1. ResolveBroadcastHints resolves UnresolvedHint operators with BROADCAST, BROADCASTJOIN, MAPJOIN hints to a ResolvedHint

  2. ResolveCoalesceHints resolves UnresolvedHint logical operators with COALESCE or REPARTITION hints

  3. RemoveAllHints simply removes all UnresolvedHint operators

The order of executing the above rules matters.

UnresolvedHint uses the child operator’s output schema for yours.


Use hint operator from Catalyst DSL to create a UnresolvedHint logical operator, e.g. for testing or Spark SQL internals exploration.

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